Thursday, April 28, 2011


After getting up early this morning and hitting the gym for the daily "attempt at a workout" I was catching up on the sports talk and the more important coverage of the tragedy from the storms. I get that it is more of a regional story I guess but it was bad enough for the gov't to step in, so why not more coverage by the media? OTHER THAN TWC!  Families have lost homes, relatives, memories, schools, and much more. BUT NOOO, we have to cover a stupid wedding that will last 30 minutes TOPS rather than a storm that will take MONTHS to recover from. I know it is a story but the headline,,,,not today.  Priorities in today's society might need to be readjusted . This would be tagged on Twitter as a #justsayin if it could be posted there. Maybe one day people will step back and realize that "common people" make the world run NOT those who have "commoners" working for them.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just thoughts...

As a former coach and still being involved in athletics in a distant way, it has always perplexed me WHY some of the well blessed athletes would risk what they have the opportunity to do in the bigger picture. Now, I know at 21 years old I wasn't seeing  the big picture but these guys have more resources than I had. They have numerous counselors, coaches, and other things that help them to see more of what life COULD BE like. To play professionally or have that opportunity is why you play the game...why kill it for a "enjoyable moment" ? I have seen it closely and see it almost annually with numerous athletes from other schools that either get dismissed from a team or they lose the drive and focus goes elsewhere... my question is, IS IT WORTH THROWING IT ALL AWAY? ALL THE $$$ THAT IS OUT THERE

Monday, April 25, 2011

Starting something new...

So the last month or so had had a lot of new adventures and thoughts of where life will take you. I hope that I can just keep doing things to better my family and myself as God has planned for me... 
I maybe a little late to this blogging thing but I plan on using this as a way to share the thoughts and travels that I will be going through as life takes it's twists and turns. Also, you never know when a discussion might come up that needs some feedback. Let the stories and thoughts begin....